Africa-centered activities while hunkering down
In happier days - a celebration You're home, you're bored. What activities can you do that you usually don't have time for - and you have an affinity for, or a relationship with Sub-Saharan Africa? Of course we can start with the news . Much of it is depressing - about how many cases of Covid19 are in Africa, who passed away - all sad and frightening. However there are bright spots! Among fashion designers and tailors/sew mistresses around the world, a Rwandan designer is creating masks made of African fabric. They are not medically approved, but at least there is a physical barrier. Other activities : - Submit a film to the Mobile Film Festival ! As per their site: Founded in 2005, the Mobile Film Festival is an international Festival of short-length movies, based on an simple principle: 1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film . And further: The Mobile Film Festival is a 100% digital festival , thus aiming at reaching the largest audience. Yet, its...